Monday, February 5, 2018

India: Bigger Steps & Even Leaps Required to Ensure Viable Future Chances of Survival (based on MAD) Against China PLUS It Needs Ever Closer Economic & Security Ties with the United States, Japan, Western Europe & Australia
(First Draft  //  This blog is under construction)

Without any greater sense of being endangered, and occasionally jolted by the  existential threat from China, India making the same unwitting mistake of the United States consenting to the Communist Party of China (CCP) to grow China’s economy at the expense of the US's national interests & future prospects for continued prosperity & relative security? Even as millions of CCP’s trolls bash, ridicule & belittle Indians & India, the Indians seem not really so rattled enough to counter the efforts of China to undermine its national interests.
Also: India, Japan, Australia and the United States should deliberately and methodically build respective local political bases of support (mainstream populations) achieve anywhere near the entrenched general sentiments in Europe for the essential need to unite against a perceived or real common formidable foe that poses an existential threat...

(Planning to initiate campaigns to raise awareness on the urgency of the issues, and about how Southeast Asia should be part of the drive to weaken the industrial prowess of China (country that mastered the art of theft of intellectual properties) by a collective efforts to push the technological powerhouses Japan, US and Western Europe to actively pursue a migration of their facilities and transfers of advanced technologies from China to India and select Southeast Asian countries)


If the special operatives of Chinese billionaires can work in frenzy to protect their special interests in the US and the rest of the West, and ensure their expected very good future prospects in the global business arena, what can they do (in the open and otherwise) to help the causes of humanity?

The Rising Environmental Toll of China’s Offshore Island Grab


China's Myanmar Dam Hypocrisy

China Is Decimating Southeast Asian Wildlife

The reality of human organ harvesting in China
(PEOPLE are secretly executed or sedated on a surgeon’s table as their organs are removed one by one.)

China carrying out over 60,000 illegal organ transplants annually, report finds
(Experts suspect that prisoners of conscience are the main source of the organs)





U.S. Had Cyberattack Plan if Iran Nuclear Dispute Led to Conflict

B-52 bombers join B-2s, B-1s in Guam for second time in history

U.S. deploys three powerful B-2 stealth bombers to Guam amid cooling tensions on Korean Peninsula

A top-secret desert plant is booming as Northrop ramps up production on new B-21 stealth bombers


For some Russian oligarchs, sanctions risk makes Putin awkward to know

"The list, to be drawn up by the Treasury Department, is set to name the most significant Russian oligarchs 'as determined by their closeness to the Russian regime and their net worth'".

“Everyone’s fearful for themselves, they’re afraid of personal sanctions,” said a source close to a fourth top 100 Russian billionaire. “Because, what if the whole of the Russian establishment ends up under sanctions? No one knows, so everyone is afraid.”


New sanctions are about to bite, and Russia’s elite are spooked

"It is the personal sanctions that worry the Russian elite most. CAATSA allows 'secondary sanctions', meaning that American officials can go after anyone, in any country, with significant business dealings with the so-called 'specially designated nationals' (SDNs)..."


Who’s an Oligarch? Rich Russians Fret Over U.S. Sanctions Label

"With the Treasury Department, which is leading the effort, giving little indication of how the list is being compiled, Russia’s billionaire class is in the throes of a kind of helpless anxiety. One of the country’s richest men said it would be stupid to try to lobby against inclusion in Washington because that would only put a bigger target on his back."



The Model Government of the Philippine Communist Movement

Report Alleges China Killing Thousands to Harvest Organs
("...China...plundering the bodies of prisoners of conscience...")…/report…/article30559415/…& // Thousands of religious prisoners in China had their livers, kidneys and corneas ripped out while they were ALIVE to sell to 'transplant tourists', claims new film…/Thousands-religious-prisoners-…


WATCH OUT: China to maneuver against the West and rising regional power India to curry tactical favors from Myanmar!

China is still murdering tens of thousands of religious and rights fighters. NKorea has indulged in the torture, rape and murder of hundreds of thousands of its already very poor people. Yet some news columnists who know these all too well care more about potential business from China...

Some folks, disgustingly too self-righteous, would have none of the idea of a Nobel Laureate (who must be distressed by the scale of a humanitarian crisis she's being asked to personally confront with boldness) taking time to find greater collective wisdom, consensus, timing, opportunity and approach to employ the right mix of practical and political solutions to a crisis that look simple only to those who pretend to care as much she does.

There are instances when the most meaningful and lasting solutions are beyond sight but reveal itself on the horizon sometime and somewhere later.


Draft: What the Communist Party of China Can Thank Itself For? //

In the secret debates among security officials in Japan (maybe even Indonesia), a better argument for secretly developing & building up of secret capabilities as beyond-basic foundations to quickly develop nuclear bombs & necessary medium-range missiles when it becomes a matter of survival, & to stop Japan from falling into some vassal-like state of China forever...

An accelerated defense (and later on even offense) modernization and capability-building frenzy among major ASEAN countries, and accelerated drive of India to make a leap into the latest generation of advanced weapon systems and the strengthening and expansion of its nuclear arsenal


Organ harvesting in China in 2016: This is the brutal reality


An ever closer security ties and arrangements between many Asian countries and the United States. A boost in the bottom lines of defense contractors in Japan, Europe, North America, South Korea, Israel thus enabling the defense industries in these nations to embark on ever more cutting -edge and future-generation weapon-systems

A Philippine population that in the future becomes ever more wary of being lumped together with Djibouti and Sri Lanka as belonging to a state under the direct influence of the Communist Party of China or at least direct subjects of its exercises of its power in its pursuit of its regional and later global hegemonic agendas, and hosts to Chinese capability to project power to advance its special China-only interests


BBC: Organ Harvesting In China — Political Prisoners Killed On “Just in Time” Basis


A global trade flow much different from the present (now and in the near-future) wherein advanced Western industrial companies avoid China and migrate to Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Thailand and the Philippines (maybe) thereby boosting their economies and creating much-bigger markets more than enough to satiate Western multinational companies’ needs, and to afford them to not prioritize China if it's at the cost of their long-term viability (loss of intellectual properties, surrender of advanced key technologies thus loss of many competitive advantages, becoming hostages to the socio-political agendas of the Communist Party of China after sinking so much investment in the Sino country, harming the national security and economic interests of their home countries necessary to protect their investments in China and to realize their obsession for not just optimal but maximum possible profits). There will be more and bigger markets (though not as big as China's) for the most greedy of non-patriotic Western investors helping China undermine their very own future viability and survival

A major conflict, or war, when its new artificial islands and newly built-up military facilities in parts of the South China Sea that belong to the Philippines, Vietnam and other claimant countries become rubbles and piles of rocks and sands (again) – of course this is a remote scenario but most certainly not an impossible one

Japan (and South Korea, and even Taiwan) deploying the greatest number of robotic flying machines and the most advanced and potent missiles that can fly out of nowhere (mobile and all kinds of platforms), and enhancing their already very advanced conventional weapons into the most effective ones

Leading most Asians to re-awaken into their most patriotic and anti-China senses, and of course pro-US ones that they long were deep in their hearts and minds (this is already taking place and in recent years certainly accelerated as fast as China stole territories in the South China Sea “in the middle of the night” and during “daytime” during its massive soft power projection and undermining of national security interests of some ASEAN nations no thanks to its treacherous weapon-like use of its trading and corrupting prowess as a cash mighty giant

More on this next time friends…


Wake up folks, if the present time were like the years before 2018 and 1940s, it would e something like a hundred thousand experts saying the world is enjoying the longest period of relative world peace, and we have to work it out to appease this or that country so that this peace lasts forever (European powers did, and after which two world wars with millions of casualties followed).

Human beings, especially those with immense capabilities to take away what others possess that they covet, and in instances when these beings are not constrained by a myriad of independent institutions and entities powerful enough to provide credible check and balance systems for these beings to act responsibly and morally, and in accordance with the global social norms among decent and developed countries of the free world. //


(TEXTS in the Photo-graphic)

We Wholeheartedly Thank President Trump & the American People He Represents for their Continued Support of the Filipino People’s Common Aspirations for a Just, Free, Fair, Progressive and Peaceful Society

We thank President Trump and the the American Soldiers for working to further strengthen their kinship with the Filipino soldiers. As the Communist Party of China (CPP)& the Philippine Communist Movement (CPP) are totally committed to working to keep the Philippine defense capabilities very weak and Filipino soldiers pre-occupied with internal threats to national security, the American security officials feel pain whenever Filipino soldiers are ambushed by CPP’s soldiers protecting China’s loot of Philippine territories being developed into military bases(knives on Philippine throat!)

CCP of the Philippines cannibalizes the very hands who help keep the hopes alive of its victim-members. Whereas President Trump made it to and finished his studies in an Ivy League school, inherited wealth from his parents and built up his own fortunes too, the Philippine communist movement operates the world’s biggest brutal and violent extortionist machinery that inflates the prices of staples for very poor families they claim to fight for.

While President Trump supports the Filipinos’ stand against China’s stealing of parts of Philippine sovereign territory, the CCP worked to pave the way for CCP-China to expel US bases in the Philippines then from China to grab Philippine territories.

CCP-China and CCP-Philippines approves and supports the world’s biggest and most brutal torture and killing entity that is the North Korean regime having killed up to 1+ million of its already poor, hungry and oppressed citizens. The CCP-Philipines aprroves and support the state-approved brutal murder by organ harvesting program of the CPP-China, among the 10s of 1000s of victims are rights fighters, conscienteous dissenters and religious practitioners.

President Trump did not issue an order to murder a single American, of whatever color, race, and religious and ideological beliefs. American people are vocal and divided with their support of President Trump’s policies, but the hundreds of millions of Chinese people can’t even speak up against their Supreme Leader and God-like heads of the CPP-China.

The blood of American soldiers in many parts of the Middle East and Africa being shed in the service of humanity’s causes and in the fight against terrorism, benefit China who want the good things (stable regional peace in the Middle East and Northern Africa) in the world but support the likes of threat to global peace North Korean regime. Of course, as China flooded the Muslim autonomous region in China with non-Muslim Chinese and also brutally crackdown on any acts of the Muslims there to freely pursue their collective aspirations, China does not want rebellion crushed or solved in the Philippines so that the country can’t build-up its defenses against China’s plans to violently crush any future acts of defense by Filipino soldiers inside Philippine territory already grabbed by China and other parts it determined to grab.


NKorea & “Meth” or Shabu Made from Pre-cursor Chemicals Exported from China = (EQUALS) Funds to Threaten Millions of Lives & Regional If Not World Peace (A Bombs & ICB Missiles)

The North Korean regime uses proceeds from the manufacture and exports of huge quantities of instantly-addictive illegal drugs “meth” to help finance its nuclear-bomb-on-ballistic-missiles development programs. Of course, precursor chemicals for the manufacture of “meth” most plausibly come from its key and only close ally CHINA.

(This man who covertly robbed us and try to get us harmed and subjected us to a series of terrifying moments, connected to someone who is connected to someone who generated funds that also benefited an organized crime group and plausibly also a terror group? He is still intent on getting us harmed, most likely. At stake are fortunes and his expected future fame this mastermind!)

The Communist Party of China (we call CPP) does not even criticize much more coerce the North Korean regime in its program of imprisonment, torture and murder of by now hundreds of thousands of its own citizens many of it for petty benign acts of violations of its "rituals".

Also, and likewise, unless they’re obsessed with some tactical objectives for the time, the North Koreans and the Philippine communist movement don’t even speak up against the most gruesome mass harvesting (murder) of tens of thousands of organs of religious practitioners, rights fighters and dissenters in China


One Belt and One Road Initiative of
the Communist Party of China (CPP)

An Epic Quest to Capture Dominant
Geopolitical Power - to Lead to China
Achieving Its Strategic Political & Military
Goals OR Result to Epic Failure and
Disastrous Financial Mess for Some
Poor Countries? (Draft ... leisurely typed
during a lazy afternoon)


Does the Communist Party of China (we call CPP) care a bit about the lives of Filipino soldiers? No, in the name of its hegemonic ambitions in Asia the CPP is only obsessed with establishing military facilities to try to effectively control the entire South China Sea (SCS), and in any minor or major conflict between China and the Philippines to easily threaten the lives of the Filipino soldiers as China insists on keeping its loot of Philippine territories in the SCS.

[Gruesome Mass] Organ Harvesting in China

In any way possible, it also employs its dragon-scale trading (and corrupting) prowess to permanently undermine the long-term national security of the Philippines and some ASEAN countries. Is this pretty? We’re ugly fools, if we ever consent to the Philippine Communist movement and the Communist Party of China to sabotage the long-term preparations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to eventually acquire and ably operate advanced military jets in the future, a prospect China would do anything to stop or delay for decades.


Amidst Widespread Food Shortages, & Chaos - Venezuela Abandoned by Key Ally China? China's Communist Rulers Knew All Along that the Same Ruling Families Allegedly Plundering Billion$ of Venezuelan People's Money, Also Allegedly Involved in Billion$ in Drug Transactions? // Can Drug Lords Fool the US Treasury Department? //… // Venezuelan President's Relatives Guilty in US Cocaine Trial…/venezuelan-presidents-relativ…

How a Politician Accused of Drug Trafficking Became Venezuela’s Vice President…/venezuela-tareck-el-aissami-drugs…


A Covert Robbery of That Man Who Victimized Us...
(From early 2017, February to March posts)

Still suffering from trauma. How come every time I lie down I get dizzy for some moments? Anxiety, it turned out... That man who victimized us now a danger to many others, and I feel the responsibility to do something to try to stop others from being harmed, with whatever remained of us now... But he is a highly capable cunning man who demonstrated his arrogance to commit elaborate, deceitful acts...




China's gruesome live organ harvest exposed in documentary

Organ harvesting in China in 2016: This is the brutal reality

Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale


In the 2 years that followed after the supertyphoon struck & caused massive devastation across central Philippines, China and the Chinese drug lords profited at least 2 billion dollars from their export of poison to the Philippines, even as China donated only a small fraction of that amount and of what the US and Western countries, and others, donated


In the end, even most of the very powerful Chinese billionaires will soften to if not discreetly toe the lines of the US government and even of its individual institutions and agencies! For whoever and whatever are most consequential to their global businesses, for most of them the American, and humanity's interests in the relative global peace and order are paramount in their special considerations. The global peace and order, and regional security in most regions of the world did not come about by chance, it came about through the sacrifice of nations who bankrolled most of the efforts for the rather livable realities we all simply take for granted.

But the Chinese Communist Party consented, if not gave indirect support (plausibly direct support even) to the nuclear and advanced missile development program of North Korea. Who would Chinese billionaires listen to? The leader of rogue nations or their friends and business partners in the US and Europe, their biggest markets where their most consequential relationships are?


The Model Government of the Philippine Communist Movement

Report Alleges China Killing Thousands to Harvest Organs
("...China...plundering the bodies of prisoners of conscience...")…/report…/article30559415/…& // Thousands of religious prisoners in China had their livers, kidneys and corneas ripped out while they were ALIVE to sell to 'transplant tourists', claims new film…/Thousands-religious-prisoners-…


[Gruesome, Murderous, Mass] Organ Harvesting in China

Across China, a gruesome trade in human organs is taking place on a mass scale. Like something out of a horror movie, livers, kidneys, hearts, lungs, and corneas are being cut out from prisoners of conscience while they are still alive. The victims are then, if still living by that point, executed. If anything proves the meaning of the term “crime against humanity,” it is this bloody, ghoulish practice.

This week, two new reports are being launched in the British Parliament in London that expose the range of China’s appalling human rights abuses. One of them lifts the veil on the scale and nature of forced organ harvesting in China.


Philippines: WHAT & Who Helped Prevent & Mitigate Internal Conflicts?

WHO cared to help implement & fund the social interventions essential for a stable, peaceful & progressive society there? Not the Communist Party of China & its Phil agents who relentlessly flexed mighty propaganda tentacles to sabotage the peace process not long ago...

US, European & Japanese governments (& aid & dev't agencies) over the decades spent billion$ of their people's taxes to remedy the severe social situations for millions of the poor in Mindanao - & gave hopes to the victims of mal-governance in an island super-region where a mix-match of Moro & pro-China communist insurgency groups, and a host of lawless groups and private armies (with overlapping memberships & areas of operations & incfluence) make for very fragile and volatile social conditions conducive to eruptions of violent acts, war & instability.

Some of the mechanisms, targeting systems and actual funds were hijacked by the operatives of the Communist Party of China and its Philippine agents. Or at least used by the operatives to also advance their pro-China political and military goals that include keeping the Philippines from achieving a basic credible defense capability to prevent China from continuously having a clear and trouble-free path to gain more and better controls of even greater areas the Philippines and other claimants used to control, and further militarize those parts it grabbed from the Philippines and now developing as some multi-purpose military bases.


“Not one man in a hundred will stand up to a real killer.
It’s ruthlessness that cows people.”
US DefSec General James Norman "Mad Dog" Mattis

We salute our brave heroes... Enemies of the
Communist Party of China operatives & its agents
in the Philippines


Someone willing to volunteer, and spend a fortune, for example, to do something to help uplift the lives of the families in very depressed, crime-prone, insurgency-plagued communities in Mindanao? Not me, not Rian. No one really wants to do that and make serious sacrifices to do that (including exposing yourself to serious dangers), but thousands of foreign aid workers and volunteers already did that over a few decades, their governments spending what we took for granted.

Those who stand to benefit the most (Filipinos who don't care), are the ones who are in greatest need, and in greatest desire, for an investment-conducive... (more on this soon...)


Before & After Supertyphoon Haiyan //

Daily, > $2 MILLION of poison "meth" for the Filipinos including poor victims of Yolanda were being shipped from China to the Philippines even as the American (& Filipino) soldiers, Japanese, & others were rushing life-saving aids (millions of dollars a day in cash, goods, costs of operations & personnel salaries), battling physical & health-risks themselves. The pro-China Philippine communists: silent!

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