Saturday, June 24, 2017


Does the Philippine communist movement really care about the Philippine territorial integrity, or helped China create the chance for territory-grabbing?

      "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" Samuel Johnson

The Phililippines, an archipelagic state inhabited by people speaking dozens of different languages and even more dialects, has a rather fractious fragile society, its people lacking in common binding causes. It is sad, and against the Philippine national security interests and even overall nation-building for the Mamasapano anti-terror operation to further politicized. It is already an issue rather divisive in the kinds of sentiments among a number of security personnel in the Philippines because of how the Philippine communist movement exploited it pretending to care about the soldiers and the policemen and using them to weaken the resolve of the country to decisively act on threats to internal threats, deftly working for the security and national interests of the Communist Party of China

(First Draft: This is a crazy public version, many details, issues and our bold opinions excluded for many reasons. This article, in its raw and unedited, or with unfiltered information, opinions and personal judgments is ONLY available to privileged clients and invited friends. Access to it, and most subsequent ones, is for some amount of donations or sponsorship for invited readers but free to a handful of select few who can help advance our causes. Note: We are less subjective in our analytical pieces, articles or public pronouncements because for most of it, we are making efforts to advance our causes among a wide range of target audience, not really well-defined ever since

       (Note - This blog is under development and construction)

The United States, who has decisive sway over the leaders of many nations in the Middle East, where at least 2 million Filipinos are living and working (in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar & Kuwait only) help maintain the relative regional stability and security there. The security situation in the part of the Southeast Asian region bordering southern Philippines (where a host of rebel plus lawless groups are actively operating) is a challenge only the United States (and not the Communist Party of China and the Philippine communist movement) is most capable of helping address. It has the overwhelming diplomatic, military, soft power and political (even moral) clout to deter, deal with and solve issues from strategic to operational levels.


   See also...


Yet, with all of the divisive issues being magnified, blown-out of proportion and tightly squeezed out of the perceived mistakes in the handling of operations in Mamasapano to neutralize a bomb-making trainer and inspiration for future collaborators of acts of terror (and likely effective saboteur of peace), and used to foment hatred of the Americans, discredit and cast in bad light the legitimate global war on terror led by the United States and close allies – only the Communist Party of China and the Philippine communist movement benefit, immensely.

How many planned terror bombings, acts of mass violence were foiled after that? How many more of the new breed of bombers inspired to be trained to perpetrate acts of mass violence instead pursued worthwhile productive activities for themselves, their families and their communities? Whatever the answers, the Philippine communist movement, and the Communist Party of China operatives directing some propaganda and other insidious acts to undermine the Philippine society and nation-building, and efforts to sustain its security arrangements with other countries essential to its capability to maintain a good level of internal and external security.



Does the Philippine communist movement really care about the Philippine territorial integrity, or helped China create the chance for territory-grabbing?
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" Samuel Johnson

An expanded version of this post will be at the and the non-redacted full opinion piece (if not an analytical one) can be found and downloaded from the

How the Communist Party of China successfully uses its tentacle (the Philippine communist movement we call CPP) to advance its maritime hegemonic agendas in the South & East Asia by all means including monstrous ones? How is it deftly partnering with the CPP to create political space, buy time and hi-jack the Philippine government’s - and socio-political opposition to its coercive and constantly threatening (bullying) ways to - to rush to complete its Great Maritime Wall of Weapons Systems in the South China Sea by insidiously maneuvering to later capture total control of the Scarborough Shoal?

(The non-redacted version will be very insightful and more than just an eye-opener for other relevant issues a number of it not in any active mainstream public discourses in mainstream platforms)

What’s behind Beijing’s drive to control the South China Sea?


How active, & organized, & how well orchestrated are the efforts of the Philippine communist movement to aid the Communist Party of China to later poke another knife on Philippine throat by building up on the Scarborough Shoal, now its most coveted new territory to grab absolute control of and definitely militarize, install advanced detection equipment for its military and arm with secret missile installations and naval facilities?

Whereas in other matters of special interest for China, China-controlled Philippine communists can troll with riotous behavior, in matters of advancing China's vast efforts to weaken the prevailing adversarial socio-political attitude among the Filipinos to China's dream to wrestle its way to hegemony in South & East Asia they then become very calculated, multi-logical, very shrewd in their reasoning & very subtle in their attacks - & quite effective. From using very defective and flawed reasoning & logic, that can nevertheless appeal to their target readers in the Philippines, to using emotional appeals, to using false claims and fake “facts” - they force their arguments, bully others and try to undermine other opinions. What they can and often lack in reasoning and logic, and lack in factual basis for their claims and arguments – they make up for volume, they are so very loud and ubiquitous in the online platforms.

Little blue men: the maritime militias pushing China's claims

China is multi-dimensional in its range of approaches to accomplish its future capture of / forced control
of the Shoal. It speaks softly too, but rather coercive, threatening, & very insidious in its propaganda drives & other ways & means... Whenever the Philippines call for some help in active surveillances, or
patrols, the Philippine communist movement would go full gear to buy it space & time!

The US Made Known It's Firm, Non-Negotiable Stand of Never Allowing China to Reclaim Land & Build-Up On the Scarborough Shoal, North of the SCSea

If someone wields an unmatched, overwhelmingly superior "stick", he has the luxury of “speaking” rather “softly” yet still command compliance

Thus, it's not the Philippine position, or the discretion, even the benevolence of the Communist Party of China / PLA that stopped China from going ahead w/ its plan. However, it's now up to us Filipinos to make our clear & firm stand if we want our friends to work in our favor...

Does the Communist P of China (& Philippine Communist Movement) Really Want the Phil Illegal-Drugs Problem Minimized? How long the Communist Party of China exercised patience (and made thorough planning and preparations for eventual build-up) as the Philippine communist movement laid the political climate in the Philippines to make it less favorable to closer US-Philippine security partnership? Our opinions on these plus many other questions in our blogs



Report: China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale

Report Reveals Vast State-Run Industry to Harvest Organs in China

Investigators: China Still Harvesting Human Organs on Huge Scale



   “Not one man in a hundred will stand up to a real killer. It’s ruthlessness
    that cows people.” US DefSec General James Norman "Mad Dog" Mattis

    We salute our brave heroes... Enemies of the Communist Party of China  
    operatives & agents in the Philippines


Someone willing to volunteer, and spend a fortune, for example, to do something to help uplift the lives of the families in very depressed, crime-prone, insurgency-plagued communities in Mindanao? Not me, not Rian. No one really wants to do that and make serious sacrifices to do that (including exposing yourself to serious dangers), but thousands of foreign aid workers and volunteers already did that over a few decades, their governments spending what we took for granted.

Those who stand to benefit the most (Filipinos who don't care), are the ones who are in greatest need, and in greatest desire, for an investment-conducive... (more on this soon...)


We still thank former President Bush (Sr.) for ordering the protection of democracy in the early years of its restoration a decade before the end of the last century





Philippines: WHAT & Who Helped Prevent & Mitigate Internal Conflicts?

WHO cared to help implement & fund the social interventions essential for a stable, peaceful & progressive society there? Not the Communist Party of China & its Phil agents who relentlessly flexed mighty propaganda tentacles to sabotage the peace process not long ago...

US, European & Japanese governments (& aid & dev't agencies) over the decades spent billion$ of their people's taxes to remedy the severe social situations for millions of the poor in Mindanao - & gave hopes to the victims of mal-governance in an island super-region where a mix-match of Moro & pro-China communist insurgency groups, and a host of lawless groups and private armies (with overlapping memberships & areas of operations & incfluence) make for very fragile and volatile social conditions conducive to eruptions of violent acts, war & instability.

Some of the mechanisms, targeting systems and actual funds were hijacked by the operatives of the Communist Party of China and its Philippine agents. Or at least used by the operatives to also advance their pro-China political and military goals that include keeping the Philippines from achieving a basic credible defense capability to prevent China from continuously having a clear and trouble-free path to gain more and better controls of even greater areas the Philippines and other claimants used to control, and further militarize those parts it grabbed from the Philippines and now developing as some multi-purpose military bases.


“Not one man in a hundred will stand up to a real killer. It’s ruthlessness
that cows people.” US DefSec General James Norman "Mad Dog" Mattis

We salute our brave heroes... Enemies of the Communist Party of China
operatives & agents in the Philippines

Someone willing to volunteer, and spend a fortune, for example, to do something to help uplift the lives of the families in very depressed, crime-prone, insurgency-plagued communities in Mindanao? Not me, not Rian. No one really wants to do that and make serious sacrifices to do that (including exposing yourself to serious dangers), but thousands of foreign aid workers and volunteers already did that over a few decades, their governments spending what we took for granted.

Those who stand to benefit the most (Filipinos who don't care), are the ones who are in greatest need, and in greatest desire, for an investment-conducive... (more on this soon...)


“Not one man in a hundred will stand up to a real killer. It’s ruthlessness that cows people.” Highly respected US DefSec General James "Mad Dog" Mattis


Human Harvesting by Tens of Thousands) in China Continues?


We feel so much satisfied today... For another achievement of partial justice... We thank you so much Sirs and Madams...


We still thank former President Bush (Sr.) for ordering the protection of democracy in the early years of its restoration a decade before the end of the last century


