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(First Draft: This is a crazy version for the general public, many details, issues and our bold opinions excluded. This article, in its raw and unedited, or with unfiltered information, opinions and personal judgments is ONLY available to privileged clients and invited friends. Access to it, and most subsequent ones, is for some amount of donations or sponsorship for invited readers but free to a handful of select few who can help advance our causes. Note: We are less objective in our analytical pieces, articles or public pronouncements because for most of it, we are making efforts to advance our causes among a wide range of target audience, not really well-defined ever since)
Introductory Topic
The Mission: A Surgical Operation to Remove a Potential Potent Saboteur of the Final Phases of Implementations for a Peace Agreement
The Results: Successful Sabotage of Prospects for Long-Term Peace and Societal Stability by the Operatives of the Communist Party of China
A highly respected religious and civil society figure, of a religious unit already much benefiting and set to immensely benefit in the final implementations of a peace agreement between a government and a Muslim group, came out so loud in condemning an otherwise successful mission to lay the ground for lasting peace in the regions long troubled by insurgencies – the mission being about neutralizing someone evidently very capable of sabotaging any prospects for a viable build-up of foundations for long-term peace. This otherwise very respectable man, indirectly accused the United States, and this country’s national government of engaging in what they negatively portrayed (including in a full-page advertisement in a national daily) as a global “war-on-terror” program of the US, echoing the characterization of the special operation by the pro-China operatives of the Phillippine communist movement who didn't want the peace agreement between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, partly to keep the Armed Forces of the Philippines from being able to more effectively defeat the communist insurgents and from gaining momentum in its focus to develop better capability to defend Philippine-claimed and owned territories China grabbed and disrupt China's plans to grab more.
This man, in a severely corrupt country where many religious leaders were accused of being complicit to many corrupt acts and practices, did not realize the full range of benefits from the fruits of those who discreetly labored to help keep societal stability and a minimum peace and order situation his organization took for granted for decades – the relative peace and order in the country’s 2nd biggest island super region where millions of the poor feel left out by the churches and society in general, perpetually robbed by some political dynasties and exploited by the very wealthy ones. In the island, and even within the boundaries and borders of the conflict-prone regions are billions of dollars worth of properties of the religious group, generating tens of millions of dollars of annual revenues and donations. In these regions, and among those sources of revenues and donations, the European, American, Japanese and other Western governments, aid and developmental agencies spent billions of dollars over the decades to help prevent and mitigate conflicts by investing in social and developmental programs.
This man’s, and his community’s seemingly justified loud cry of foul helped mask and gave credence to initial salvos for a sinister plot of a dark force in the country’s society that community / religious institution, long-infiltrated by the operatives of the pro-China and Communist Party of China-supported communist movement, inadvertently help give much momentum to.
And this man’s (arguably) politically-charged loud cry, among the other flexing of mighty propaganda muscled tentacles of the Communist Party of China and this country’s communist movement, partly paved the way for and led to what recently happened in a Muslim-majority city.
1ST Main Topic
The Context: Religious Groups & The Communist Party of China-supported local movement
The Main Dangers to Peace & Stability: Inspirations for Future Acts of Mass Violence
Somewhere in southeast Asia, a special operations group of the United States security establishment set out to conduct very special training to a select group of police special force. Their mission: Neutralize one of the world’s top terrorists, who posed active threats against a society in multi-dimensional ways. The target was an expert and dedicated bomb-maker and bomb-making (and bombing) trainer who proved his worth in many ways – he accomplished successful bombings, he trained and mentored other future bombers who later accomplished bombing missions, and worst of all (best of all, if from the standpoint of his followers) the well-educated target served as a living hero and inspiration to many who have a twisted / perverted interpretation (and application) of their religious beliefs and ideologies.
The target was not just a malignant problem for communities (micro-level) but society at large, in fact he or what he’s capable of and ready to do was one of the biggest stumbling blocks (or dangers) in the implementation of a peace agreement between the government and a Muslim rebel group in many ways. He poses a threat to any prospects of a lasting peace in regions of the country where the society is wracked by decades of wars, outbreaks of violence and a very fragile peace and order situation. The Christian population within and just outside the boundaries of violence-torn regions to this day remains (and most certainly so for the foreseeable future) rather hostile to any terms of any peace-agreement between the government and any Muslim rebel group – they tend to think any concessions to the rebel group/s in the tediously negotiated peace-agreement terms are not just against their direct interests but long-term existential security threats to them and they think that the rebel group/s would be unfaithful to their end of the terms (for example, arguing that “There’s no way that the rebels will never give up their arms and weapons, they’ll just surrender their worn-out and expendable ones.”).